PaStor's pen
'Playing Favourites' (James 2:1-12)
We all have preferences when it comes to food, music, books, sports and other interests. But when it comes to people, as Christians, we are not to show partiality. God is no respecter of persons. There is no “partiality with God” (Romans 2:11). God does not play favourites. And neither should we. When it comes to salvation, we are all sinners in need of a Saviour. Jesus Christ is the Saviour who died for the sins of all people – Jew and Gentile. As such, to show partiality, whether to the rich over the poor, or on the basis of ethnicity, nationality, status, education, or for any other factor, is wrong. To do so, we read, is to “become judges with evil thoughts” (V4). The bigger picture, again, is that God made all people in His image and we should treat all people with respect and value them as God does.
Certainly relevant to our present day and culture are issues of race and the prevalence of Critical Race Theory (CRT). Racism, being racist, is most certainly a sin as it involves partiality, prejudice, hatred and the bearing of false witness. With CRT, however, we see a different form of racism, a reverse partiality and prejudice if you will, in the name of equality and equity. A worldview which sees others primarily through the lens of race and which builds hierarchies of privilege and power (and lack therof) is antithetical to the gospel. The gospel breaks down barriers between people and elevates all who are in Christ. CRT puts back in place old divides and is contrary to a Biblical worldview. During service we heard “Hellos” from the 20 or so different languages of people represent in our church. What a wonderful thing it is to be united in Christ as we are! Again, partiality is a sin contrary to the core of the gospel. For the gospel says, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither salve nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:28).